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Human and Labor Rights

XXL’s human and labor rights policies are based on the The United Nations (UN) Declaration of Human Rights and The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Core Fundamental Principles and Conventions on Labour Standards). We believe that the our strongest opportunity to avoid adverse impact of our operations regarding human rights, is through making sure that the human and labor rights of our employees and workers employed by our business partners throughout the value chain are respected and actively complied with, to ensure that their working conditions and environment is decent, safe and healthy, and that they receive fair living wage.

Our Human Rights Policy is included in our Code of Conduct and our Supplier Code of Conduct. The policies emphasize our commitment to conduct our business and ourselves legally and ethically. The policies are continuously monitored and updated to ensure compliance with national and international legislation and guidelines as well as to maintain attention and awareness.

XXL conduct its supply chain due diligence in accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. Our Due Diligence Report is adopted by the Board and will be updated annually.

The Transparency Act - Due Diligence Report 2023 - ENG

27 kesä 2024

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